Recipe Name Style Brewer Type Date Added
Red Hook ESB CloneExtra Special & Strong Bittermattyschnitzall-grainOct 14, 2013
amerikanisch Pilsner Urqell cloneGerman Pilsnermattyschnitzall-grainOct 14, 2013
New RecipeAmerican Amber Alemattyschnitzall-grainSep 23, 2014
M&M Kolsch Kolschmattyschnitzall-grainSep 23, 2014
Honey WheatAmerican Wheat or RyeMatzarall-grainMar 3, 2012
Pale AleAmerican Pale AleMatzarall-grainMar 3, 2012
Black Currant DunkelweizenDunkelweizenMatzarall-grainMar 4, 2012
DubbelBelgian DubbelMatzarall-grainMar 8, 2012
Pale of Luck Imperial IPAMatzarall-grainSep 9, 2012
PorterRobust PorterMatzarall-grainSep 10, 2012
GutbusterAmerican BarleywineMatzarall-grainSep 28, 2012
Pumpkin LagerFruit BeerMatzarall-grainOct 31, 2012
Porter of RobustnessRobust PorterMatzarall-grainFeb 4, 2013
Citra pale aleAmerican Pale AleMatzarall-grainFeb 16, 2013
Drink of the Victor's CircleFruit BeerMatzarall-grainFeb 19, 2013
Lucius the RedOther Smoked BeerMatzarall-grainMar 14, 2013
jj pro amSpecialty BeerMatzarall-grainApr 13, 2013
Winter Spiced AleSpice, Herb & Vegetable BeerMatzarall-grainOct 8, 2013
Potion of FirebreathingSpice, Herb & Vegetable BeerMatzarall-grainFeb 1, 2014
SMaSH American Amber AleMatzarall-grainFeb 28, 2014
saisonSaisonMatzarall-grainAug 22, 2014
CRIPA IIAmerican IPAMaudleyall-grainMay 17, 2015
Apricot wheatAmerican Wheat or RyeMaudleyall-grainApr 18, 2015
Cascade heartAmerican IPAMaudleyall-grainApr 11, 2015
Eggnog stout 2 galSweet StoutMaudleyall-grainMar 26, 2015