Recipe Name Style Brewer Type Date Added
Stone bitter chocolate oatmeal stoutAmerican StoutJcespedesall-grainFeb 14, 2012
Blue Moon #1American Wheat or RyeBrokenFingersall-grainMar 10, 2012
Honey RedIrish Red Alembammerall-grainJul 20, 2012
Brown AleAmerican Brown AleSimianCaesarall-grainSep 25, 2012
ESBExtra Special & Strong BitterBhavingaall-grainJul 2, 2012
All in the Family Mosaic IPAAmerican IPAbgcall-grainJan 4, 2013
TransPorterBrown Portermorgankallall-grainFeb 4, 2013
Lemon Weiß2013Weizen & WeissbierWretchedgrayall-grainFeb 11, 2013
ViennaVienna Lagermauronogall-grainFeb 22, 2013
New RecipeExtra Special & Strong BitterYellowCapBrewingall-grainMar 10, 2013
classicEnglish IPAGunnarall-grainMay 1, 2013
Fruity Pale AleAmerican Pale Aleengnorwayall-grainMay 15, 2013
Arabian Nights Cardamom Vanilla PorterRobust Porterenphinitiall-grainOct 7, 2012
BlondeBlonde Alejason123149all-grainDec 7, 2012
#9 Intergalactic IPAAmerican IPAHylmanall-grainAug 3, 2013
Chimay RedBelgian DubbelBrewyDewyLewyall-grainSep 18, 2013
American Red AleAmerican Amber Alemr.corleoneall-grainOct 13, 2013
New RecipeAmerican Amber Aledrewmcall-grainNov 16, 2013
08--07/12/2013Kolschmortadelo75all-grainDec 8, 2013
WitWitbierzxmachineall-grainJan 5, 2014
Eryc the Red...ishAmerican Amber Aleherneall-grainJan 16, 2014
20140309_Mild AleMildjosemall-grainMar 9, 2014
Capital City CreamCream Aledrobertsmxall-grainMar 20, 2014
20140404_Southern English Brown AleSouthern English Brownjosemall-grainApr 4, 2014
IPaulAAmerican IPApaulkraussall-grainApr 17, 2014