Recipe Name Style Brewer Type Date Added
Shock top CloneAmerican Wheat or Ryesgreeningall-grainNov 9, 2016
summer of George American Wheat or RyeDrwormboyall-grainDec 9, 2016
American Wheat 10galAmerican Wheat or Ryesuttonbrewzpartial mashDec 20, 2016
mamute zomer festAmerican Wheat or Ryedcaborgesall-grainDec 20, 2016
Walter WheatAmerican Wheat or Ryejoerocketall-grainDec 28, 2016
Midnight wheat treat 2American Wheat or Ryejtucholskiall-grainMay 6, 2016
Midnight wheat treatAmerican Wheat or Ryejtucholskiall-grainJul 4, 2014
FnF Wheat StrawberryAmerican Wheat or Ryejtucholskiall-grainJan 7, 2017
FnF Wheat Saison BruxAmerican Wheat or Ryejtucholskiall-grainJan 8, 2017
WR Hoppy Wheat 2.0American Wheat or Ryebiggoatall-grainFeb 19, 2017
Jays ryeAmerican Wheat or Ryetheyezpartial mashFeb 26, 2017
rye tideAmerican Wheat or Ryemdaly55all-grainFeb 27, 2017
1/2 witAmerican Wheat or Ryethrottle79partial mashMar 2, 2017
mango hefAmerican Wheat or Ryejbradford87all-grainApr 12, 2017
hopbursted wheatAmerican Wheat or RyeJohnTuncaall-grainApr 14, 2017
springtime wheatAmerican Wheat or RyeMrMischiefall-grainMar 29, 2017
first run wheatAmerican Wheat or RyeMrMischiefall-grainJun 2, 2016
Wingate Wheat 5 galAmerican Wheat or RyeLaddydaddyall-grainMay 6, 2017
malty wheatAmerican Wheat or RyeMrMischiefall-grainMay 9, 2017
Wingate Wheat 2017American Wheat or Ryesapperaviatorall-grainMay 13, 2017
American Wheat 5 GalAmerican Wheat or RyeflightRN04extractApr 29, 2015
Wheats of Radiance American Wheat or Ryeskrebillall-grainJan 7, 2017
Oberon Ale Clone - ExtractAmerican Wheat or Ryejrimbertall-grainMay 23, 2017
Oberwan BeernobiAmerican Wheat or Ryegeer1995all-grainMay 27, 2017
American Wheat 1 GalAmerican Wheat or RyeflightRN04extractFeb 8, 2014