Recipe Name Style Brewer Type Date Added
Stupid SmoothAmerican Amber Alejhelartall-grainNov 23, 2012
MSE Winter Warmer Specialty Beermdbrewerall-grainNov 23, 2012
Barley Standing HB Winter WelcomeBrown PorterHBbrewerall-grainNov 23, 2012
Pale AleAmerican Amber AleAffigenall-grainNov 23, 2012
Barracks 22American Amber Alejhelartall-grainNov 23, 2012
Goldyhops and the 2 dwarfsChristmas & Winter Specialty Sjamie488all-grainNov 22, 2012
Nugget Chaser IPA!American IPAHicksBrewinpartial mashNov 22, 2012
2 of a kindAmerican Amber Alercbcall-grainNov 22, 2012
Terripan Rye AleAmerican Wheat or Ryebreiserall-grainNov 22, 2012
Trigo ZecasMunich Dunkelmenatomariaall-grainNov 22, 2012
Cascade Mountains West Coast Imperial IPAImperial IPAChri094extractNov 22, 2012
White House Honey AleAmerican Amber AleChri094extractNov 22, 2012
New RecipeAmerican Amber AleVinceGall-grainNov 21, 2012
codpedoAmerican IPAdolemitegkall-grainNov 21, 2012
Orange Sticker WitWitbierJmm_4all-grainNov 21, 2012
White House Honey AleAmerican Amber AlewheinemanextractNov 21, 2012
Old Quaker StoutOatmeal StoutCrjdrivrall-grainNov 21, 2012
test American Pale Alekostaculaall-grainNov 21, 2012
The John SaisaonSaisonadorno317partial mashNov 21, 2012
Tennessee TailgateBlonde Aleadorno317partial mashNov 21, 2012
Chocolate Oatmeal Stout Oatmeal Stouts9ramakeextractNov 21, 2012
White Chocolate TripelBelgian Tripels9ramakeall-grainNov 21, 2012
nut brownBlonde Aleindio30extractNov 21, 2012
DampfmaschineCalifornia Common Beermetayloall-grainNov 21, 2012
porter Robust PorterchefjasonrempelAll GrainNov 21, 2012