Recipe Name Style Brewer Type Date Added
RuinationImperial IPAnigelandtheghostextractJul 3, 2012
Hari KariImperial IPAottopktextractJul 6, 2012
Double Black IPAImperial IPAottopktextractJul 8, 2012
Tongue Punch IPAImperial IPABPatC1024all-grainJul 11, 2012
Eden AleImperial IPAswingerwcextractJul 11, 2012
Pliny the elder (clone)Imperial IPAbmjminnyall-grainJul 21, 2012
115th Dream HopburstedImperial IPArdbox37extractJul 28, 2012
Honey NobleImperial IPAthanantosextractAug 1, 2012
Pliny the elder (clone)Imperial IPAmotonavaall-grainAug 2, 2012
Double IPA Northern Brewer and CascadeImperial IPABob McLaughlinall-grainAug 4, 2012
Cup of sugar double ipaImperial IPAWay2fastxl1200call-grainAug 5, 2012
Pliny the elder (clone)Imperial IPACarverbinall-grainAug 7, 2012
Eye PAImperial IPArandyall-grainAug 9, 2012
Over the FallsImperial IPAslicenuggetall-grainAug 10, 2012
Hopslam CloneImperial IPAtsnarskipartial mashAug 15, 2012
It's in the BagImperial IPANC Red Wingall-grainAug 21, 2012
Heady topperImperial IPANathanielkmextractAug 14, 2012
imperialipaImperial IPAarrondirdanielall-grainAug 22, 2012
aImperial IPANorCalHermitextractSep 5, 2012
Torpedo CloneImperial IPAdelacruzall-grainSep 8, 2012
dogfish head 90 minute cloneImperial IPAsheelmanextractSep 9, 2012
Pale of Luck Imperial IPAMatzarall-grainSep 9, 2012
Avery MaharajaImperial IPAottopktextractSep 25, 2012
Pliny the elder (clone)Imperial IPAJmm_4all-grainSep 28, 2012
DuganA Imperial IPAtwowolvesbrewingall-grainOct 1, 2012