Recipe Name Style Brewer Type Date Added
Moose Rack Rye v.AG v.2American Wheat or RyeRed Corset Brewingall-grainJul 22, 2015
smoky pale aleOther Smoked Beerjaymil2all-grainJul 21, 2015
2 hearted mine 20 gal #3American IPAChri094partial mashJul 21, 2015
New RecipeAmerican Amber Alemattnissenall-grainJul 21, 2015
wiseWeizen & Weissbiersvpall-grainJul 21, 2015
Noosa brew2Imperial IPAcurrajall-grainJul 21, 2015
BulwayzerBoehmian Pilsnerstrelokall-grainJul 21, 2015
TestAmerican IPAbabaganujall-grainJul 21, 2015
Cucumber Watermelon Cream AleCream AleJarnoall-grainJul 20, 2015
Fear the Pale (Equinox)American Pale Aleempiricalgentall-grainJul 20, 2015
"Expeditious Kolsch"KolschantinexusextractJul 19, 2015
CoffeemeadeMetheglinantinexusextractJul 19, 2015
weizenbockAmerican Amber Alezzhopsall-grainJul 19, 2015
Rye IPAAmerican IPAag82all-grainJul 19, 2015
JV's Pale Ale #6Blonde Alejohnhutchinsall-grainJul 19, 2015
hop scare ipaAmerican IPAeejitalanall-grainJul 19, 2015
Dark NatureDark American Lageratfullerall-grainJul 19, 2015
The Great Pumpkin Revolution (2015)Spice, Herb & Vegetable Beermdelich1982partial mashJul 19, 2015
Fursty FerretSpecial, Best & Premium BitterMcBrewall-grainJul 18, 2015
Flat TiresAmerican Amber Alezzhopsall-grainJul 18, 2015
American WitWitbierjoerocketpartial mashJul 18, 2015
Rob's 76th St Rye AleAmerican IPAcoastwxall-grainJul 18, 2015
HellesAmerican Amber Alecladinshadowsall-grainJul 18, 2015
New RecipeAmerican Amber Aledbaguyall-grainJul 18, 2015
A bigger, blacker...American IPAChadClancyextractJul 18, 2015