Recipe Name Style Brewer Type Date Added
Beatification Flanders Red Alesr20redtop1010all-grainMay 1, 2013
Ventura'sAmerican IPAgipsyall-grainMay 1, 2013
Bob's Leftover PorterRobust Porterrmezza99extractMay 1, 2013
High Gravity - Summer BlondeBlonde AlejsattextractMay 1, 2013
Cold FusionImperial IPAchshuteall-grainMay 2, 2013
vieja estacionKolschmarcos773all-grainMay 2, 2013
vieja estacion kolschKolschmarcos773all-grainMay 2, 2013
vieja estacion kolschKolschmarcos773all-grainMay 2, 2013
Santa's Summer Vacation Coconut Porter (ActuaBrown Porterrightallniteall-grainMay 2, 2013
The Golden StandardBelgian Golden Strong Alejohnenkoskypartial mashMay 2, 2013
Citra Summer Ale 2013American IPAthanantosextractMay 2, 2013
Ak472013English IPAWretchedgraypartial mashMay 2, 2013
Copperhead Wheat2013American Wheat or RyeWretchedgrayall-grainMay 2, 2013
Orange Shocker2013American Wheat or RyeWretchedgrayall-grainMay 2, 2013
Tant BrunNorthern English Brown Alemorgankallall-grainMay 2, 2013
The After RideKolschtonkotaall-grainMay 2, 2013
Red Hop SummerSpecialty Beerdtimmer83all-grainMay 2, 2013
cream aleCream AlehrommelextractMay 3, 2013
Big IPAAmerican IPAburnout_joshall-grainMay 3, 2013
First WeissWeizen & Weissbierjeffzappeliniall-grainMay 3, 2013
Little Bitter IIStandard & Ordinary Bittermicwarrpartial mashMay 3, 2013
Yes Juice U3gal**American Amber Alekaizer1all-grainMay 3, 2013
yerapeein ale U3gal**American Brown Alekaizer1partial mashMay 3, 2013
centAle2American IPAhochvonobnepartial mashMay 3, 2013
geneese my buttCream Aletip27all-grainMay 3, 2013