Recipe Name Style Brewer Type Date Added
Mike SMaSHAmerican Pale Alemetayloall-grainJun 6, 2013
M.O.P.6Brown Porternukem5all-grainJul 3, 2013
Rye Glove Side IPAAmerican IPAbastump218all-grainSep 9, 2013
Bitter 29/09/13Extra Special & Strong Bitterfastreadyall-grainSep 24, 2013
American PilsClassic American Pilsnerrickdabrewerall-grainOct 8, 2013
Smokie the Beer2Specialty Beerchriskhallam@gmail.comall-grainOct 27, 2013
New RecipeAmerican Amber AleKyle Potterall-grainJul 26, 2015
OPB Dark and StrongBelgian Dark Strong Alecruff1all-grainJan 11, 2014
74s IPA American IPA74brewall-grainFeb 17, 2014
Brown Ale (variant)American Brown Aledtimmer83all-grainMar 28, 2014
American pale wheatAmerican Wheat or Ryemarty.pluthall-grainApr 25, 2014
pass play pale ale American Pale Aleryancall-grainMay 30, 2013
tzarRussian Imperial Stoutdanebramagedall-grainApr 3, 2013
dank ipaAmerican IPAnodayjoball-grainNov 10, 2015
HefeweizenWeizen & Weissbierjacob.zollner@gmail.comall-grainAug 11, 2014
Harvest Ale 2014American Pale Ale2Jacksall-grainAug 31, 2014
The Red ChairFlanders Red Alehondamonall-grainOct 16, 2014
Two Hearted Clone NBAmerican IPASpyveeall-grainNov 3, 2014
AG Amarillo SessionAmerican Pale Alebronzeback60all-grainNov 21, 2014
SBIRBEER BELGIAN PALE ALEBelgian Pale Aleduoglide58 all-grainDec 28, 2014
wheatAmerican Wheat or Ryeshmurbsall-grainDec 28, 2014
dirty mikeAmerican IPAjwackerall-grainFeb 8, 2015
Master of PuppetsEnglish IPAPopeyeall-grainMay 2, 2015
New RecipeAmerican Amber Alecvroomall-grainJun 17, 2015
Red Eye PAIrish Red Aleddalenall-grainAug 5, 2015