Recipe Name Style Brewer Type Date Added
Spiced Winter AleSpice, Herb & Vegetable Beerbronzeback60extractNov 21, 2014
American Pale Ale with Orange Peel and CorianAmerican Pale Alebronzeback60all-grainNov 21, 2014
SM8American Pale AleBrokenFingersall-grainFeb 26, 2012
Blue Moon #1American Wheat or RyeBrokenFingersall-grainMar 10, 2012
cm #1California Common BeerBrokenFingersall-grainApr 13, 2012
Blue Moon #2American Wheat or RyeBrokenFingersall-grainApr 19, 2012
New RecipeAmerican Amber Alebrogowpeall-grainAug 15, 2013
holy hop grenadeImperial IPAbrogowpepartial mashAug 28, 2013
Belgian Dark Strong 1.0Belgian Dark Strong Alebrockmann brauhauspartial mashJan 26, 2016
Sierra Nevada Clone Pale AleAmerican Pale Alebrnidudeall-grainJan 2, 2013
First Run English IPA 51 AAU (extract)English IPAbrittain.wrightall-grainDec 20, 2011
Blue Cat Big DipperBlonde Alebrittain.wrightall-grainDec 21, 2011
Blue Cat Haus AleAmerican Pale Alebrittain.wrightall-grainDec 26, 2011
Brittain's Extra StoutRussian Imperial Stoutbrittain.wrightall-grainJan 1, 2012
Blue Cat Cherry WheatFruit Beerbrittain.wrightall-grainJan 10, 2012
Blue Cat Abbey AleBelgian Dubbelbrittain.wrightpartial mashJan 18, 2012
Blue Cat Sierra Nevada American Pale Alebrittain.wrightall-grainJan 24, 2012
Honey Cream AleCream Alebrittain.wrightextractJul 20, 2012
Sweetwater 420 CloneAmerican Amber Alebrittain.wrightall-grainSep 8, 2012
husets APAAmerican Pale Alebrissepierreall-grainApr 23, 2013
Singel Hop Amarillio IPAAmerican IPAbrissepierreall-grainApr 29, 2013
Pilsner APAAmerican Pale Alebrissepierreall-grainMay 28, 2013
Yandabo IPAEnglish IPABrisk8all-grainJun 10, 2012
Stone ipaAmerican IPAbriphilbinall-grainAug 7, 2012
Samuel Smith's Oatmeal StoutOatmeal StoutbriphilbinextractAug 7, 2012